
Application submitted for Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan

On October 10, we submitted our Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan to the City of San José. The application describes: the location and distribution of land uses; the components and arrangements of the conceptual framework that guides those uses and the utilities and infrastructure that enable and support them. With the submission, the City will begin processing our application, including preparing the Environmental Impact Report and a series of hearings on the project. 

The proposed land use in Google’s Downtown West mixed-use plan.

The proposed land use in Google’s Downtown West mixed-use plan.

We’ve worked with great design partners to come up with a framework that considers factors like how we create varied experiences at the creek, integrate with a world-class multi-modal transit hub and connect to local neighborhoods. Our proposed plan includes a variety of experiences from north to core to south across approximately 84 acres within the Diridon Station Area Plan’s 240-acre area.

Learn more about the Downtown West Mixed-Use Plan at www.sanjoseca.gov/googleproject.