A place inspired
by San José

We’re working together to imagine this part of downtown — one that draws from San José’s culturally-rich history, vibrant personality and innovative spirit.

Wall mural with a patchwork of colorful pictures
Neon sign that says, “Stephen’s Meat Products” People walking down a busy urban street


Downtown West

In 2021, the San José City Council approved the Downtown West mixed-use plan. It builds on the City of San José’s Diridon Station Area Plan to create a mixed-use urban destination near public transit. We worked closely with the City and community to help bring this vision to life through Downtown West.


Delivering on San José’s goals

We heard from San José - and we set the priorities for Downtown West together. The project and its programs are designed to respond to these meaningful and ambitious goals—and to also grow and evolve together with the community. Downtown West includes the following benefits, which we’ll work towards meeting throughout the development of the project.

  1. Local job opportunities

    5,700+ prevailing wages construction jobs (with supplier diversity and local hire targets), and new job opportunities in technology and other industries

  2. More housing, and affordable housing

    4,000 new homes, and support for 25% affordable housing in the Diridon Station Area

  3. Help strengthen the community

    ~$150M Community Stabilization & Opportunity Pathways Fund rooted in social equity and community participation

  4. An inclusive place

    15 acres of public parks and open space with free year-round programming

  5. Ambitious climate targets

    Zero net new carbon emission and 65% non-single-occupancy vehicle trips (walking, biking, carpooling, or public transit) 

  6. Enhancing ecological health

    ~4.25 acres of enhanced riparian habitat, 2,280 new trees planted


A mixed-use plan for a variety of experiences

  • Trees line a creek as the sun shines in the sky. Text reads, “Varied experiences at the creek”.

    A range of urban to nature across open spaces

  • A train pulls out of a station. Text reads, “World-class multi-modal transit hub”.

    World-class multi-modal transit hub

  • High-rise buildings, trees, and a sun. Text reads, “Local neighborhoods with diverse character and community”.

    Local neighborhoods with diverse character and community

Downtown West will be a connected hub of activity and culture with easy access to nature and transit.

  • 7.3M sf


  • 4,000

    Housing units
    *Studying up to 5,900 units

  • 15 acres

    Parks, plazas and green spaces

  • 500K sf

    Retail, cultural, arts, education, hotel and more

Proposed land use

Map of proposed land use for the Downtown West Plan shows different zones.


  • Augmented Trail icon Office
  • Proposed Trail Connections icon Residential
  • Existing Trails icon Land dedicated to City for affordable housing
  • DSAP Boundary icon Land dedicated to City for Unentitled DSAP potential affordable housing
  • Newly Proposed Office icon Active use (retail, cultural, arts, education etc)
  • Housing icon Parks + plazas + green spaces
  • Hotel icon Downtown West Project Boundary

How it all comes together

Take a walk across the site

Downtown West is designed to provide a range of experiences from urban to nature, while fostering a lively and welcoming public realm, including free year-round programming.

How we think about placemaking

Four guiding principles

We know when our local communities thrive, Google thrives. As we think about designing great places for people, we look to four guiding principles.

Google wants to be a helpful neighbor Principles of place


Places are about people and connections between them.  We want to contribute to vibrant places that promote well-being, inclusion, and interconnectivity.

We want to hear from you!

We want to hear from you!

If you have questions, comments or ideas, reach out to us any time at DowntownWest@Google.com.