A goal to catalyze 20,000 homes in the Bay Area
$1 billion to help make it happen
North Bayshore, Mountain View, California
As we work to build a more helpful Google, we know our responsibility to help starts at home. For us, that means being a good neighbor in the place where it all began over 20 years ago: the San Francisco Bay Area.
In June 2019, we announced a $1 billion Bay Area housing commitment to enable at least 20,000 homes at a range of income levels throughout the region. Solving a big issue like the housing shortage will take collaboration across business, government and community organizations to make the Bay Area a place where everyone can thrive.
How we’re helping address one of the region’s most urgent and complex issues
There are many factors that contribute to the housing crisis, like rising construction costs, a lack of financing, limited land, and more.
To help tackle this shortage, our approach focuses on land, investments, and grants—areas where Google has a unique opportunity to positively impact Bay Area housing production and support homelessness services
Creating more places for people and homes by maximizing land uses
North Bayshore, California
On Google land, we’re proposing mixed-use development projects to create more sustainable and inclusive communities where housing, small businesses, parks, and office space coexist.
In San José, Mountain View, and Sunnyvale, California, we plan to repurpose at least $750 million worth of land as a footprint for 15,000 new homes at a range of income levels. As of June 2024, three of our mixed-use district master plans have been approved by local municipalities. This includes Downtown West for up to 4,000 homes, North Bayshore for up to 7,000 homes, and Middlefield Park for up to 1,900 homes. We’re also exploring housing development in the Moffett Park area of Sunnyvale. Rather than developing the housing ourselves, we plan to work with residential developers to build these homes.
North Bayshore, California
Homes entitled on Google’s land as of June 2024
potential new homes on $750M worth of Google’s land
4000 units entitled from the approved Downtown West plan
7,000 units entitled from the approved North Bayshore plan
1,900 units entitled from the approved Middlefield Park plan
Capital to accelerate affordable housing production
Meridian is a 90-unit affordable housing development located in the heart of downtown Sunnyvale, California.
We created a $250 million affordable housing investment fund to accelerate the creation and preservation of Bay Area affordable housing developments. Our goal is to provide early and reliable investment capital to catalyze projects that can deliver a large amount of housing quickly and sustainably. In collaboration with the Housing Trust Silicon Valley, a nonprofit certified Community Development Financial Institution, our investments to date are expected to enable more than 4,800 homes based on loans already under contract with developers.
Meridian is a 90-unit affordable housing development located in the heart of downtown Sunnyvale, California.
homes expected from loans under contract as of June 2024
affordable homes from direct investment by 2030
Funding creative solutions to end homelessness
Larkin Street Youth Services, San Francisco, California
In addition to Google land and investment capital, we will give $50 million in grants through Google.org to nonprofits focused on homelessness. Since 2009, Google.org has supported nonprofits that provide services for the homeless. We've learned one of the best ways to help is with a “Housing First” approach where people are provided a stable place to live first—both short-term and long-term housing.
So far, Google.org’s grants to Bay Area nonprofits will support more than 150,000 people with services like food distribution, case management, and housing for 12,000 individuals. These include over $40 million in grants to organizations like Abode Services, Hamilton Families, Larkin Street Youth Services, and Miracle Messages.
As part of this commitment, we’re supporting new solutions to reduce homelessness. This includes working with nonprofits to pilot cash transfers for individuals experiencing homelessness as a way to potentially increase housing stability. These efforts are paired with rigorous evaluations to ensure impact is measured and research is documented.
Larkin Street Youth Services, San Francisco, California
distributed to nonprofits in the Bay Area as of June 2024
in grants for local nonprofits focused on homelessness and displacement
150,000 people served
Here are a few of the incredible people and projects we’re supporting
- grant
- investment
Miracle Messages
Ending Relational Poverty on the Streets through Volunteers and Cash
Miracle Messages
When we invest in our neighbors experiencing homelessness, offering even modest financial resources and supportive relationships, problems get solved and people get housed. As we say at Miracle Messages, relational poverty is poverty. And so, with funding from Google.org and in collaboration with many local service providers, Miracle Money: California aims to demonstrate that a little bit of love and financial support can transform lives, restore dignity, and help people get off the streets.
Founder & CEO, Miracle Messages
Miracle Money: California is a $750 a month for 12-month basic income and social support pilot for individuals experiencing homelessness in San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles. The pilot is being evaluated by leading researchers at USC as part of a randomized control trial. As one of the first basic income pilots for unhoused individuals in the United States, Miracle Money also emphasizes the transformative power of social support, by matching each unhoused recipient with a volunteer phone buddy for weekly calls and texts. In a 2020 small pilot in the Bay Area, 66% of unhoused participants successfully obtained housing.
The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA)
A hub to easily find affordable housing in the Bay Area
The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA)
The Doorway Housing Portal launch culminates many years of dedicated, passionate work by so many people. We are grateful to the Google.org Fellows, to our city and county partners, and to our legislative leaders for providing the resources necessary to create this tremendous tool that changes the way Bay Area residents search for affordable housing.
Director, Bay Area Housing Finance Authority
The Doorway Housing Portal centralizes housing listings across the Bay Area’s nine counties and enables housing seekers to use filters and a map-based interface to search for affordable housing. The online portal was developed with pro bono technical support from Google.org Fellows, a team that includes Google researchers, designers, product managers and software engineers.
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) North America
Building evidence while getting cash to those who need it
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) North America
Previous research suggests that cash transfers can have a large impact in people's lives. However, there is little rigorous evidence on their effect on housing stability specifically. Google's investment enables organizations to get cash into the hands of those who need it while expanding the evidence-base.
Senior Research Manager
J-PAL North America’s Bay Area Evaluation (BAE) Incubator offers Bay Area service providers the opportunity to design a randomized evaluation of their cash transfer program. Partners receive training, technical assistance, and connections to expert researchers in order to expand the base of rigorous evidence on cash transfer's impact on homelessness and housing stability.
Abode Services
Supporting a Housing First approach
Abode Services
In order to move the needle on ending homelessness, we need everyone to support creating housing options for homeless people. This grant moves Abode closer to fulfilling its mission: providing a home to anyone who doesn’t have one and ensuring that those who’ve been re-housed after experiencing homelessness remain in stable, safe housing.
Louis Chicoine
Abode Services has had particular success with a Housing First approach to addressing homelessness. In July of 2020, Google.org granted $2 million in funding to help Abode Services tackle the homelessness in Silicon Valley—including building permanent supportive housing, providing wraparound services in supportive housing communities, reshousing participants in long-term apartments, and managing their properties.
Hamilton Families
Helping homeless families find permanent housing
Hamilton Families
Wherever we look to lift up our community, having a safe place to call home is a crucial part of the solution. Investing in diverse housing solutions helps us address issues like hunger, homelessness, and the pandemic response. This grant moves Hamilton Families closer to fulfilling its mission: providing a home to anyone who doesn’t have one and ensuring that those who’ve been re-housed after experiencing homelessness remain in stable, safe housing.
Chief Development Officer, Hamilton Families
Hamilton Families is a nonprofit working to end family homelessness in the Bay Area. They operate an emergency shelter and help place families into permanent housing. When families leave the shelter, 87% of families are stabilized after one year of being placed in permanent housing.
In November 2019, Google.org granted Hamilton Families $850,000 to support housing and wrap-around services for families experiencing homelessness. These funds are forecasted to help house 545 people and provide services to more than 1,300 people.
Building 100 units of supportive interim housing in six months
Together, we have demonstrated that where there is the will, there is a way to work together quickly to provide safe, clean interim housing for our friends, families and neighbors—the homeless of Silicon Valley. We intend to do more of these innovative projects and we hope that civic, corporate and philanthropic leaders join us in this effort.
LifeMoves CEO
In May 2021, LifeMoves, Silicon Valley’s largest interim housing and supportive services for those experiencing homelessness, announced the opening of LifeMoves Mountain View. With a $1.5 million grant from Google.org, LifeMoves was able to realize this vision for an innovative, 100-unit modular housing facility that was built and brought into service in just six months, at a fraction of the cost of new housing units. The site also dedicates 30% of its square footage to supportive services offices and meeting rooms, allowing LifeMoves to help clients return to stable housing by providing them with case management, health care, counseling, life skills, employment assistance, and housing services. Serving approximately 124 people, this site will provide 10x the number of year-round beds for the Mountain View community.
Back in November 2019, Google.org matched a Santa Clara Board of Supervisors grant to LifeMoves with a $1 million grant, for a total of nearly $2 million. The funds helped LifeMoves expand two shelter facilities in San Jose, California.
Miracle Messages
When we invest in our neighbors experiencing homelessness, offering even modest financial resources and supportive relationships, problems get solved and people get housed. As we say at Miracle Messages, relational poverty is poverty. And so, with funding from Google.org and in collaboration with many local service providers, Miracle Money: California aims to demonstrate that a little bit of love and financial support can transform lives, restore dignity, and help people get off the streets.
Founder & CEO, Miracle Messages
Miracle Money: California is a $750 a month for 12-month basic income and social support pilot for individuals experiencing homelessness in San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles. The pilot is being evaluated by leading researchers at USC as part of a randomized control trial. As one of the first basic income pilots for unhoused individuals in the United States, Miracle Money also emphasizes the transformative power of social support, by matching each unhoused recipient with a volunteer phone buddy for weekly calls and texts. In a 2020 small pilot in the Bay Area, 66% of unhoused participants successfully obtained housing.
The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA)
The Doorway Housing Portal launch culminates many years of dedicated, passionate work by so many people. We are grateful to the Google.org Fellows, to our city and county partners, and to our legislative leaders for providing the resources necessary to create this tremendous tool that changes the way Bay Area residents search for affordable housing.
Director, Bay Area Housing Finance Authority
The Doorway Housing Portal centralizes housing listings across the Bay Area’s nine counties and enables housing seekers to use filters and a map-based interface to search for affordable housing. The online portal was developed with pro bono technical support from Google.org Fellows, a team that includes Google researchers, designers, product managers and software engineers.
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) North America
Previous research suggests that cash transfers can have a large impact in people's lives. However, there is little rigorous evidence on their effect on housing stability specifically. Google's investment enables organizations to get cash into the hands of those who need it while expanding the evidence-base.
Senior Research Manager
J-PAL North America’s Bay Area Evaluation (BAE) Incubator offers Bay Area service providers the opportunity to design a randomized evaluation of their cash transfer program. Partners receive training, technical assistance, and connections to expert researchers in order to expand the base of rigorous evidence on cash transfer's impact on homelessness and housing stability.
Abode Services
In order to move the needle on ending homelessness, we need everyone to support creating housing options for homeless people. This grant moves Abode closer to fulfilling its mission: providing a home to anyone who doesn’t have one and ensuring that those who’ve been re-housed after experiencing homelessness remain in stable, safe housing.
Louis Chicoine
Abode Services has had particular success with a Housing First approach to addressing homelessness. In July of 2020, Google.org granted $2 million in funding to help Abode Services tackle the homelessness in Silicon Valley—including building permanent supportive housing, providing wraparound services in supportive housing communities, reshousing participants in long-term apartments, and managing their properties.
Hamilton Families
Wherever we look to lift up our community, having a safe place to call home is a crucial part of the solution. Investing in diverse housing solutions helps us address issues like hunger, homelessness, and the pandemic response. This grant moves Hamilton Families closer to fulfilling its mission: providing a home to anyone who doesn’t have one and ensuring that those who’ve been re-housed after experiencing homelessness remain in stable, safe housing.
Chief Development Officer, Hamilton Families
Hamilton Families is a nonprofit working to end family homelessness in the Bay Area. They operate an emergency shelter and help place families into permanent housing. When families leave the shelter, 87% of families are stabilized after one year of being placed in permanent housing.
In November 2019, Google.org granted Hamilton Families $850,000 to support housing and wrap-around services for families experiencing homelessness. These funds are forecasted to help house 545 people and provide services to more than 1,300 people.
Together, we have demonstrated that where there is the will, there is a way to work together quickly to provide safe, clean interim housing for our friends, families and neighbors—the homeless of Silicon Valley. We intend to do more of these innovative projects and we hope that civic, corporate and philanthropic leaders join us in this effort.
LifeMoves CEO
In May 2021, LifeMoves, Silicon Valley’s largest interim housing and supportive services for those experiencing homelessness, announced the opening of LifeMoves Mountain View. With a $1.5 million grant from Google.org, LifeMoves was able to realize this vision for an innovative, 100-unit modular housing facility that was built and brought into service in just six months, at a fraction of the cost of new housing units. The site also dedicates 30% of its square footage to supportive services offices and meeting rooms, allowing LifeMoves to help clients return to stable housing by providing them with case management, health care, counseling, life skills, employment assistance, and housing services. Serving approximately 124 people, this site will provide 10x the number of year-round beds for the Mountain View community.
Back in November 2019, Google.org matched a Santa Clara Board of Supervisors grant to LifeMoves with a $1 million grant, for a total of nearly $2 million. The funds helped LifeMoves expand two shelter facilities in San Jose, California.
Eden Housing
La Avenida Apartments will bring 100 new, high-quality affordable homes for families, individuals, and veterans to the City of Mountain View. With the support of Google’s investment through our partnership with Housing Trust Silicon Valley, this project will help ensure that lower-income community members can continue to live and work in the city, as well as help balance the jobs to housing ratio in the North Bayshore region.
President of Eden Housing
La Avenida Apartments will ensure that lower-income neighbors can continue to live and work in the city, as well as help balance the jobs to housing ratio in the North Bayshore region. La Avenida will also help address the homelessness crisis by providing permanent supportive housing to individuals experiencing homelessness in Mountain View. The site will provide onsite service, including health and wellness, career, education, and financial literacy programming, to help ensure residents succeed in their new homes.
USA Properties Fund
Mainline North is in an exciting, fast-changing area with so much to offer residents. Mainline North is an excellent example of what can be accomplished when private and public partners ‒ and Google’s investment through our Housing Trust Silicon Valley partnership ‒ come together with a mission to address the housing needs of a Neighborhood, a city, and a region. It’s a very special project that will help open the door to more opportunities for residents.
President of USA Properties Fund
USA Properties Fund began construction on Mainline North, a much-needed affordable apartment community in Santa Clara that will help transform the vibrant neighborhood near Levi’s Stadium. Located in the 2300 block of Calle del Mundo, near Tasman Drive and Lafayette Street – Mainline North is part of the city’s Tasman East Specific Plan, an effort to establish a transit-oriented, walkable neighborhood. The 151 unit community helps meet that goal, being just a few blocks from a large grocery store, an elementary school, a park, and public transportation – including bus stops and the Lick Mill light-rail station.
Related California
Google’s support for Sunnyvale Block 15, now known as Meridian, was a critical piece of the development’s financing structure, making it possible for Related California to bring 90 units of affordable housing to the heart of downtown Sunnyvale. We appreciate Google’s close partnership with Related and their commitment to continued investment in the creation of affordable housing in Sunnyvale and throughout Silicon Valley.
CEO Related California Northern California Affordable and Northwest Divisions
Meridian, originally known as Sunnyvale Block 15, is a 90-unit affordable housing development located in the heart of downtown Sunnyvale that will serve households earning between 30% to 80% of Area Median Income. Twenty-three (23) units have been specifically prioritized for households with developmental disabilities, a severely underserved population in California’s housing landscape. The development was made possible through, among other sources, a strategic investment by Google alongside local and state sources with advocacy support from Housing Choices, a tireless advocacy organization for housing those with developmental disabilities.
Charities Housing
Our vision for these apartments is to positively contribute to the Mountain View community and provide housing for everyone. We believe that healthy communities are the basis for thriving communities, and we hope to make this a reality with every one of our affordable housing developments.
Director of Housing Development, Charities Housing
Google and Housing Trust Silicon Valley provided a $17.2M loan for the acquisition of 2.22 acres at 57 and 67 E. Evelyn Avenue in Mountain View, CA. The envisioned project, which will be developed and managed by Charities Housing, will create approximately 160 units of affordable family housing.
Google partnered with Housing Trust via their Launch Initiative, which improves Housing Trust’s lending capacity and facilitates their investment in a broader range of affordable housing projects in the greater Bay Area.
This loan is funded by the Launch Initiative and leverages funds from Santa Clara County’s Measure A, Affordable Housing bond.
The Kelsey
At The Kelsey, we advance disability-forward housing solutions that open doors to more affordable homes and opportunities for everyone. Google’s investment in our San José community made moving to the next phase possible, including covering pre-development costs, like purchasing and entitling our land, and completing initial design work.
Founder and CEO, The Kelsey
Less than 12% of adults with developmental disabilities own or rent their own home. The Kelsey Ayer Station will provide 115 homes to people of all abilities and incomes, with 25% reserved for people with disabilities. Developed in partnership with Sares Regis Group of Northern California and Devine and Gong, the building is designed to accommodate diverse access needs and includes amenities like a sensory garden, on-site programming for staff, gathering spaces, and a resident terrace.
BRIDGE Housing
The flexible pre-development funding provided by the Google loan will help us accelerate the pace of delivery at Potrero. This means more than 800 affordable homes plus a range of housing, amenities and open space that will lift up the entire community.
Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, BRIDGE Housing
BRIDGE Housing was selected to lead the redevelopment effort of Potrero Terrace and Annex public housing sites as part of the City of San Francisco’s HOPE SF Initiative. This revitalization effort will rebuild 619 units of distressed public housing and create another 1,000 new homes with a range of affordability, community facilities, retail, open space, and neighborhood programs and services.
Here are answers to some common questions
Why is Google making this investment in housing? Why the Bay Area?
What does the $1 billion investment include?
Why is land a large focus of the commitment?
Where will all the 15,000 new homes be built on Google's land?
Will Google be developing this housing?
How does a $250 million investment fund translate into 5,000 affordable units?
How will the $50 million in grants be distributed?
For questions
Affordable housing fund
Nonprofit and for-profit housing developers are eligible. For further questions, you can reach out to housing-investments@google.com.
Press inquiries
Are you a member of the media looking to report on Google’s housing efforts in the Bay Area? You can reach out to press@google.com.